About the Journal

The Revista Acadêmica de Iniciação Científica, from the Faculdade de Imperatriz/Wyden, with the ISSN 2447-6056, is dedicated to promoting research and scientific initiation in a multidisciplinary context. Our mission is to bring together various fields of knowledge, providing a unique space where researchers and students from different areas can share their findings, ideas, and perspectives.

Covering diverse themes, the Revista Acadêmica de Iniciação Científica (RAIC) aims to foster collaboration and synergy among seemingly distant areas, seeking new solutions and significant advances. We believe that the richness of knowledge lies in the diversity of approaches, which is why we value the plurality of perspectives present in each publication.


Journal Policy

Our editorial team consists of experienced professionals passionate about research, committed to ensuring the quality and originality of each published article. Additionally, our peer-review process is rigorous, aiming to maintain high scientific standards and promote academic excellence in all represented fields.


Call for Submissions

The Revista Acadêmica de Iniciação Científica aspires to be a source of inspiration and a convergence space for all dedicated to knowledge. We invite researchers and students to be part of this multidisciplinary journey, contributing to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge and enriching the global understanding of the complexities that permeate our academic universe.