



Right to be left alone;, Moral reparation;, Personality rights;, ; Leading case n. 786 from Brazilian Supreme Court.


It explores the right to be forgotten, and more specifically, the nuances regarding moral damages, as this has emerged as an alternative in cases involving the theme. Thus, applying the Cartesian method, and through indirect documentary research (notably literature review, case law, and doctrine), the investigation was developed to clarify the understandings of the higher courts of the country (this being the research problem) and to ascertain the current status of the legal positioning on moral reparation, embodying the general objective of the investigation. In respect of the adopted method, the text development included a brief approach on the antinomy of constitutional principles (between the right of personality and the right to information), followed by comments on the "balancing criterion" when judging cases. The leading case of the STF (Topic 786) was also analyzed, which established, as a general rule, that the right to be forgotten is incompatible with the Constitution. The article delved into the divergence presented by some justices regarding the admission of moral damages, an intriguing topic given that it does not involve publication or equivalent of false content and, prima facie, without the possibility of indicating the cause for moral reparation.

Author Biography

Denise Antunes, Ponta Grossa State University

Mestranda em Direito da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG); Juíza de Direito aposentada do Tribunal de Justiça do Paraná (TJPR); Especialista em Direitos Humanos e Questão Social pela PUC-PR (2019-2020); Pós-Graduada em “Fundamentos Críticos: Los Derechos Humanos como procesos de lucha por la dignidade”pela Universidade Pablo de Olavide, Sevilha, Espanha (2019); Conciliadora do CEJUSC 2º Grau do TJPR


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How to Cite

Consalter, Z. M., Antunes, D., & Kusma, T. F. (2024). RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTEN AND THE NUANCES IN THE MORAL REPAIR. Revista Juris UniToledo, 9(1), 1–26. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13826429


